Extraordinary Potential

Social and Emotional Intelligence




Social & Emotional Intelligence (SEI) speaks to the awareness of our own emotions and those of others, aligned with our ability to use it in effectively managing ourselves and our relationships.  Extensive research with Emotional Intelligence (EQ) indicates that it plays a stronger role in our capacity for success in both our personal and professional lives than Cognitive Intelligence (IQ), and while IQ generally remains fixed, EQ is something we can learn and strengthen.  When we think about the people in our lives who have the most impact on us, we generally value the components of EQ, (i.e. listening, building trust, resilience, self-control, generosity, collaboration, etc.) over IQ.  Studies have indicated that coaching is one of the most effective methods to support understanding the concepts of SEI and enhancing these incredibly valuable skills. 



coaching social and emotional intelligence

The Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence (ISEI)™ has developed a highly comprehensive assessment called the Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP)®; a four-quadrant model which identifies both strengths and development opportunities.  Measuring 26 distinct competencies, it is based on over 10 years of research and is considered the most statistically reliable instrument currently on the market.  My training with the Institute, has certified me to both administer the SEIP® and coach my clients in understanding the various components and supporting the development of their social and emotional intelligence.  

My service offering in this space includes the administration of the SEIP®, a full debriefing session of the personal report, and a customized 3 - 6 month coaching engagement to support agreed upon areas of focus.

I always begin each coaching relationship with a free 30 minute coaching consultation so that I can provide clarity around the process, answer any questions or concerns up front, and we can collectively determine if working together makes sense.  


important impacts of sei

Social & Emotional Intelligence can have powerful influences over various facets of our lives including:

Improved Self-Awareness

Stronger Confidence and Self-Esteem

Better Self-Control over Emotions

More Effective Personal and Professional Relationships

Enhanced Management and Leadership Skills

Increased Career Success


To learn more about Social & Emotional Intelligence, you can visit the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence (ISEI)™ site by clicking the link below: